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October 1 Memorial

Photo: Steve Marcus

It’s been four years since the horrific shooting that took place at the Route 91 music festival where 58 people lost their lives and more than a hundred more were injured. Like 9/11, the Route 91 shooting will live with us forever. It’s one of those moments where you remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you found out what was going on.

Our very own Dr. Fielden is a part of the October 1 memorial committee. The committee does not want to focus on the shooter but instead the victims and the heroes that saved hundreds of lives that night. The committee wants to recognize the first responders and the bystanders that leapt in to action that night to get people to safety.

The location of the memorial on the Route 91 Festival grounds is very important. It will be on a two-acre site on the northwest part of the grounds. It will be away from the bustling part of the Strip but it will show visitors that our city took the incident seriously.

You can check out past meeting agendas by visiting:


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