Leadership: Making the Community a Better Place to Live - Rob Moore

As we’ve learned from science, communities are interacting groups of species that reside in a common location. Over time a social order emerges within all forms of communities. With people, society reflects the various common interests populations possess.
Within this same framework, quality of life reflects the social capital and contributions the population at large gifts to the community. Those that contribute most are considered leaders. One such leader in Southern Nevada is Rob Moore, a commercial realtor with Sun Commercial Real Estate, Inc. in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he serves as the Senior Vice President of its Retail Division.
Rob Moore is a third generation Nevadan, born in Las Vegas. He attended Bishop Gorman High School and received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business from the University of San Diego in 1975. Rob is married to the former Colette Liedlich. The Moore’s have three children and five grandchildren.
As found within other committed community leaders, Rob Moore has dedicated an enormous part of his life to making Las Vegas and Southern Nevada a better place to live. In doing so, his life too has benefited from his contributions and service. Rob is one of the earliest graduates of Leadership Las Vegas, the chamber of commerce program developed for young executives, preparing them for lives of leadership in business and community affairs.
The majority of the valley’s population today that benefits so much from Rob’s efforts are probably unaware of his name – or his life of community service. His leadership away from the workplace stays beneath the radar for a reason. He considers himself an ordinary person and cares more about helping others than seeking glory.
Currently, Rob is a member of the advisory board for the Boys and Girls Club and is a past recipient of its Golden Boy Award. Additionally, today, Rob serves as the chair of the advisory board for the UNLV Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies and chair of the ULI: Nevada Smart Growth Implementation Program.
As a member of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas Country Club today, Rob is promoting the importance and value in having the local landmark nationally registered as a historic property and place of architectural significance.
Formerly, Rob served Southern Nevada as a board member of the Las Vegas Springs Preserve Board of Trustees; he’s served as a board member of WestCare; for KNPR: Nevada Public Radio; for Catholic Community Services, and he’s a past president of the Las Vegas Rotary Club.
Professionally, Rob served his colleagues as the president of the local chapter of the Institute of Real Estate Management and is a past recipient of its CPM of the Year Award. His expertise in commercial real estate and retail is highlighted through his decades of experience working with real estate buyers and sellers; owning and managing retail operations; directing financial institutions, hotels with gaming and through various projects he’s developed throughout Las Vegas, Sparks and Reno.
As Southern Nevada opens its eyes to greet its futures - and moves forward from its current population of over 2 million residents to become one of this planet’s great World Cities - its foundations for its social investments, social capital, openness, friendliness and high quality of life have been crafted and constructed by thousands of women and men like Rob Moore. People who in their own minds have always thought of themselves as ordinary; people who show their care about others through their help and assistance, and people who work at keeping their flights beneath the radar.
Strong communities are the product of people who care about others as much as they care about themselves. Thank you, Rob Moore, for caring! Thank you also to all the others that came before and will follow – it’s what makes the valley a great place to live!